The British Butler Institute is Britain’s finest finishing school.
Classes are held at elegant training premises in London and Edinburgh.
Clients include professionals from all walks of life, celebrities, embassy staff, diplomats, presidents, royalty, models, luxury retail establishments, airline staff, schools, universities and professionals wishing to set up their own image consultancy businesses.
Our finishing school courses are run by the finest trainers in their respective fields of expertise, with a combined knowledge of more than 65 years of training experience.
Our teachings will assist you to consistently present yourself at your best.
Having the correct social and business etiquette is an invaluable tool which can sometimes make the difference between winning or losing a business contract or meeting the partner of your dreams.
Our courses are for both ladies and gentleman and include social etiquette, dining etiquette, high-profile makeovers, confidence and deportment, international etiquette and protocol, manners, voice clinic, men’s finishing school, finishing school for young adults and luxury retail training. These courses are designed to help our clients to make the most of themselves, increasing self-esteem and confidence, thereby aiding both their professional and social lives.